
when I'm older

our days seem to be filled with infinite choices, don't they? you can pick the road that's gonna get you to where you need to be, or the route less traveled, or the kind where you stop often and lose yourself in your own thoughts as a stranger in a new place. and it seems funny to me that following your heart with honesty to yourself takes so much more bravery than following your own thoughts. It's a fearless act, to be completely and utterly unapologetic in pursuing yourself. I am finding that the right choice is rarely the easy one, and the best choice won't always make sense to everyone. but I am also finding that this life is mine. I only have one on this miraculous destination called earth.  & I want to see it. the city lights and the crumbling mountains. I'll get there eventually, maybe this tuesday. so you can understand why I have no time left to spend trying to be just like my fellow travelers.
if ever you need me, you can find me among the wild flowers, grabbing frantically at every glimmer of adventure I stumble upon. with stories caught in the knots in my hair and stars stuck beneath my fingernails, I'll be chasing the sun from here on out. this is my journey. the turns I make and the falls I take are my own. and I'm going to love them like every single moment is a triumph, because they are. and someday when I'm older & wiser, people may look at me and chuckle at my hasty choices & my naive heart beneath their breath; they might feel so inclined to tell me that my life was a reckless one.
And I'll smile back and sigh,
"Maybe so. But I lived."

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