
ready, set...

you cannot wander in & out of my life when you find it convenient to do so. if you love me, then you've gotta get ready to knock your guard down & show it. & make sure you are ready, because when I am happy, I am the happiest girl in the world, with stars dripping from my fingertips & leaking from my lips; not a thing can stop me. but when I am sad, my heart cracks & splits & tears at the edges with no end in sight. I am passion. I jump without looking & fall without ever trying to catch myself on the way down. love, I hear songs in color & this one sounds so yellow. I am not the kind of girl to soldier on. my heart is a sponge, and I will fill myself with every feeling I pass. open your door & let me in, but I can't promise I'll wipe my feet. I will leave my mark where you can't overlook it, and I will make your heart swell & burst & ache like a river after a storm. take my hand, and I will build you a boat & we will sail somewhere, just us two. you see, once I am in your life, I am in it for good. If I love you once, I will love you always. I will love you even when you have hurt me & when I think I must be broken, I'll be standing here still. some girls are firecrackers, always on the run, sparking flames everywhere they go. some are like the tide, coming back to kiss the shore like clockwork. & then there is me, finding my way. I'm the girl you lock eyes with in a crowd, slow dancing without ever touching. I am the girl who will stick around until the end, & you'll know it when you see me. I'll be the one with the long brown hair, standing alone in the world, looking so sure of myself, I must look foolish. I promise to be the last thing you ever saw coming. so when you find me, please don't play with my heart. trust me when I say that I'll believe every promise from your lips, because you will never meet another with more hope in her eyes. my lips are sweet, but not everyone has a craving. my heart is full, but not everyone likes to travel heavy. my kind of love can crack your heart open, but not everyone wants to be sewn back together. & love, I want the kind of romance that I dream about every night. the kind that could make a man forget to breathe & a woman forget how to dance. the kind that turns phone calls into ignored alarms when we're together & simple conversation into a manifestation of inspiring color & splendor. the kind that makes falling asleep so hard, because no dream could ever be better than the life I'm living. the kind that kisses you where it hurts & knows your story. the kind that fools around, slow dances in the kitchen in our bare feet, and makes stories that nobody else understands but him & I. the kind that would make a man look at me the way I look at the falling sun. the kind that drives all through the night, holding hands the whole way, just for the adventure of it all. the kind that shelters me from the world...If there is a love out there, maybe one for me, that loves so true, it will make me weak in the knees, I hope the universe knows I'll wait. so if ever you decide I am too much for your soul to carry, I promise to understand, just put me down softly. I'll find my way again. 

I always do. 

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