
welcome home.

& this land I live on is nothing but a plot of grass placed here by God, 
I call it home, but I would never call it mine 
I don't own the dirt here or the flowers that bloom from it 
I don't own the sky I grow under & I don't own these roads I travel.
& the oceans that separate my backyard from another's is not a barbwire fence, & I feel so sorry for anyone who believes it to be a barrier, they must be going through life with only half a brain. 
And the color of my skin might be different from yours, but it is not my name or my personality, and neither is yours. 

Because when the rain falls, it will drench you, no matter who you are. 
When the sun shines, it burns, despite the color that stains your body. 
& the same God that laid my home here, placed you here too. You are a living, breathing, beautiful, human being.
That makes you nothing short of a miracle, and I'd sure like to get to know you. Seeing as how the king of all creation placed us both here on this earth, I'd say we must have something in common. So come on over. Leave your shoes at the door, I'll pour you some lemonade & walk you home when it gets dark. 
my name is Madeleine, by the way. 

 It's so nice to meet you. 

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