

The first one.
The one that took all my courage to say.
The one that makes you feel so small,
 a vulnerable little leaf in the wind,
until it leaves you elated.
"I love you too."
And it begins.

The one that follows a fire. When words are thrown like darts & I've cried & you're the reason why. I can hear you sigh through the static of my phone,
 "I'm sorry, I love you."

The one you leave on my lips, standing outside the airport. My lips taste salty & your hands are wrapped around me so tight, then you have to let go.
"I'll see you soon, I promise. I love you."

The desperate kind. I miss you & I've run out of words to tell you why, and all that is left is "I love you", but it suddenly seems so little compared to what I feel for you.
"...but, I really love you. I love you, so much. Gosh I love you."

Goodnight, I hardly ever remember if I say it back. But I always remember you saying those three little words. My heart feels so warm against yours, I wonder if you can feel the beats skipped. Laying in your arms is the safest place in the world. You brush my hair out of my eyes,
"I love you, baby. sweet dreams."

When you whisper sweet nothings & fill my stomach with butterflies. You lean in slow enough to stop time, & kiss me softly, resting your head on mine,
And you've said it so many times before, but for the millionth time, you're realizing it for what feels like the first time.
"I love you".

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