

i get lost in those eyes
my mama laughs at me
because i lost all ability
to see anyone
but you

but maybe
it's for reasons beyond their
turquoise color 
past your long lashes
past the honesty and
past the way they soften at the edges
when you look at me
like we're each keeping half a secret
from the rest of the room

maybe i fell for your eyes
because when i look long enough
i can see you 
who you used to be
& who you dream about being

i can see the battles you've won
& the falls you've taken
i can see the regrets
& the tears you so rarely let fall

i can see the dreams
you fall asleep to at night
& i can see every "i love you"
you've ever left on my lips

maybe i get so lost
because i can see
my own stars
strung up in your soul
staring back at me
like we've been wandering around
all this time
just waiting
for our first

it's just

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