
i n k

& I've found that I am so much better with a pen
than I am with my lips

sometimes I don't know what my heart is telling me to say,
until the ink has dried

so excuse the tears of frustration
and the silent moments in between

I have stories to tell & questions burning holes in my mind
I want my words to form poetry

but try to understand

my hands are at my sides

and my tongue is tied

& this heart on my sleeve,
it beats to the sound of your "hello"

so please, excuse the tears of frustration
and the silent moments in between

because I have so much to say
but I can't find the words
so I'll take a deep breath
& give you the only three I know
I'll pray you'll hold them close      
              just before they fall
                  spilling from my mouth
                       I love you. 

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