
w h a t . i f

what if.
A two word paradox.
What if you had tried? What if you bought that ticket? What if you had said what you wanted to say? Or, what if you hadn't? What if you held everything you felt inside, to protect your fragile heart of glass?

Tell me, why are you so afraid of losing a game you can't find the courage to play?

This life is a short one.
If you love them, keep them.
Hold on tight to the things that make your heart ache with passion & sheer confusion.
If it scares you, chase it.
If it makes you feel alive, I mean really alive, "I didn't know it could hurt so much" kind of alive... keep it.

& please, for the sake of never having to wonder what could have been, jump.
Jump in head first.
Take me by the hand, close your eyes, & fall. Fall into the dark never knowing what comes next. Roots are for trees & plans are for buildings. We were born with legs. Run.
Don't ask what if. Don't wish for the things you can't change. Hold what you have in your arms like it's the only thing keeping you sane & don't let go.
& if at the end of the day you look back & nothing worked as you thought it should, at least you can say with complete honesty that for once in your life you just lived.
My darling, what a daring adventure it is, to live.
       "what if?"

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