
just remember

You can be as loud as you please.
Laugh hard, and often. 
Say what you want to say. Don't pay any mind to who is or isn't listening. 
Life is far too short to paraphrase the things of your heart.
Never apologize for feeling. For dreaming. For speaking.
Keep not having it all figured out. 
I find this life thing to be much more exciting that way.
Cry when you need to. Let memories & heartbreak & even joy roll down your cheeks when it all seems to be too much.
But for every tear that falls, let your next smile shine twice as bright.
Don't let it keep you down.
Fall hard & love harder. 
You might get a little scraped up on the way down. That's what band aids are for.
The people who are worth your admiration will never make you wonder if you're loved back with the same intensity.
& those who aren't will never know the force of your love again. What a shame.
Be whoever your wild flower heart is telling you to be.  
Don't stop for anyone.
& pretty girl, just remember, this life is yours.
Do this for you.

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