
With all my love...

You matter.
You matter to the person who's eye you caught today in passing. 
Because you're just lovely!
To the countless pictures you've accidentally been in the background of. You're leaving your mark everyday.
The footsteps you've left all over the world, or the air you've inhaled on a long day. 
To all of the 3am conversations, and silence you've given to those who are in desperate need of a listening ear.
To the store clerk you smiled at, for the trials they're facing may be great.

To the stars, because they're rooting for you. 
Never forget to look up.

because, oh darling, how you matter.

Today I woke up late. Just as I did last week. Everyday.
I didn't get all of the tasks that needed to be done, done. 
There were countless minutes of day dreaming & pure procrastination. 
And at the end of the day, I'm here typing out thoughts for no one in particular, rather than getting some much needed sleep.
I feel inadequate, to say the least. 
But do you know what I did do?
I did wake up. 
I dreamt. 
Good music filled my mind & heart.
I sat at the end of the stairs and spoke to my little brother, one on one. For someone who's still figuring out how to speak, he has so much to say.
I talked to my mother about the things that hardly matter to anyone but me, but she listened. She cared, and she put in effort. 
I aspire to obtain the wisdom and love she has.
I sat in silence with my father. But never once was it uncomfortable. We have a special bond, me & him. 
It's the presence that matters, but the conversations we have had will stay with me forever.
I sat on the window seat, soaking up the sunshine, clearing my thoughts in the peace of the afternoon.
Looking on the outside in, today you might think of me as a failure. 

How unfortunately mistaken you would be. 
I laughed, learned, loved, woke up, and I lived.
Tomorrow is a new day, full of promise. 
And I plan on doing much with the time I'm blessed with. 
But for today, I will rest knowing that all is well.
I'm human, and there are new chances everyday.
But I lived today, and that is enough. 
Please remember, that you do matter. That you could never do so little to make you worthless.
The creator of the very hope and wonder you are made up of will never leave your side.
With all my love and the good luck I could possibly send to you, 

Dream on, dreamer. R. M. Drake

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