

The people of this world will tell you to be tough, that you should grow a thick skin. But I've never liked the thought of it. The sea, she is strong. She is fearless. She is powerful. She can rock the people who travel along her path, but she is not indestructible. The wind can break and scatter and lift, but the destruction it creates will always pass. You see, the earth we call home has moments of rage. It cries out in heartbreak and floods in frustration. It is loved one day and abused the next. It has seen so much, and still, the waters calm with the rising sun.
The people of this world will tell you to be tough. But the earth and I, we're here to tell you that the only way to make it through with a smile left to share, is to remain soft. You don't have to forget, but forgiveness is imperative. People will hurt you, but they cannot take your light away unless you choose to let it flicker and die. And to love, that is a fearless act, but you mustn't build walls so high around yourself in fear of sorrow, that you never taste the kind of love worth writing sonnets about. Allow yourself to shatter, and then pick up your pieces. Beam golden rays when you are happy, and fall like you've never been broken. Live your days to their fullest capacity until your are spilling at the brim. Don't you see? You do not have to be unbreakable to be strong. There is such a large difference, my love, between living and surviving. 

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