

since this morning I have learned three things:
1. life is going to happen the way it is going to happen, with or without your permission. & it's better to be happy than sad, so smile anyway. be patient in the meantime. I promise, everything will work out just right when the time comes.
2. you can have a changed heart everyday. you do not have to be the same you as you were yesterday. if it makes you happy, let it bloom. if it's holding you down, it's time to let go. and in the end, you'll be changed. new & wearing different skin than you were on the days behind you. but you'll also be happy, because today, you are more you than you have ever been before. And that is happy.                   so, so happy.
3. scrambled eggs aren't so bad after all. 

   [thats not even a metaphor. or I guess maybe it is, for second chances i suppose. ]

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