
He & I

I think it's beautiful
that the same being
who suffered every ache, disappointment, sorrow, & struggle,
thought that I too, was worth dying for.
that the king of all mankind,
pulls me by my humble hand out of my deepest, darkest waters, no matter how many times I've fallen in the same sea.
that being that knows no limits, knows of every mistake I have ever made, and still,
believes that I am capable of all that I can dream of.
that beacon of light, He loves me.
He loves me for everything I am, everything I once was,
& everything I have yet to become.
He digs me out of the trenches I bury myself in, just to plant wildflowers in my past.
I think it's beautiful,
and I can't help but wonder how anyone couldn't see it.
How truly strikingly beautiful it is,
that the only perfect living being in a universe built on infinite galaxies,
looks at me
in my most imperfect state
and sees every star in a galaxy all my own.
Not the meteors I bring crashing upon myself, or the stars that have fallen out of my sky.
He just sees me.

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