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I'm missing the road.
I'm craving a long drive.
The kind where we watch the sun fall & the moon rise - taking turns hardly sleeping. 
So let's drive through the night until we meet the ocean,
where nobody knows our names,
just you & me.
To breathe the unfamiliar air of another place &
to feel the sand between our toes one more time
before September takes our summertime freedom away.
Or we can just go half way, and get lost somewhere up in the mountains, where the people speak with a soft twang & the okra comes fried. 
Let's head west - we can pack a little heavier & wait a little longer for the air to turn crisp...
We'll stop at that pizza place somewhere out in Kansas, in the dead of night.
We'll be listening to the same music we always do.
Never ending highways lit up by blurry tail lights & deserted back roads are calling my name;
Because I'm about to begin my life another year older than I was before,
and I have nothing to wish for, but another adventure.
New memories to reminisce about later, wrinkled clothes & messy morning hair for proof.

Because its not things I want, but the feeling I get when distance is measured by road markers & how many alarmingly empty rest stops we've hit. 
Let's see how many hotels we'll pass & leave behind, and when we give in, how long it will take before we fall asleep in the clothes we came in. 
& as hard as I've tried, I just can't describe it. That feeling. 
Maybe it doesn't need to be described... Maybe it's just for us, to smile about together, never limiting it to a title or definition. 
And I'm not sure if its me who has taken pieces of the places we go with me, or if I've scattered bits of my heart along the way, so that no matter where I am, home is never too far.
I'm not trying to escape, because home is home & home is here.  
But time is a fickle thing, and we know the secret to slowing it down...

I miss the road & I'm starting to think the road misses you & I, too. 


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