

October. The word itself sounds like rustling leaves and sipping on something warm. I love the way the cold grass feels against my bare feet... And opening the windows makes this house feel like home. 
I swear my mama's hair always glows brighter than the trees outside. They're smiling you know. The trees, I mean.
I just know they are, in their own way.
And sweaters are meant to be worn two sizes too big, for extra snuggling room. Apples get sweeter, and cheeks grow rosier. 
And the grass may become too dry to keep it's vibrant color, but I believe it's only trying to give the trees their turn to shine.
Poetry goes good with a blanket and burning candles, in case you get bored. Of course, going for a Sunday walk will never get old.
Oh, and reading in Autumn, half of me loves the words on the pages, and the other half adores the way the pages smell on a windy day on a porch swing. And the guitar was probably invented because somebody was too inspired by the world's acoustics to not do something about it. I suppose I could go on forever, so I'll just leave you with a simple truth: The world is just magic in October.

x Madeleine 

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