
12:24 a.m.

Though I have no energy,
I simply cannot sleep
My mind is full of twinkling stars, 
Lights to guide me home 
Oceans as clear as day, kissing the sapphire sky just ahead
I dream with my eyes open 
Yearning for a moon as big as life itself - only as far as the climb out of the highest window, leading to the roof
my mind fogs over at the thought of a rainy night - and the only visible light is the one that belongs to my home 
Oh, to live in a world where letters are sent and received as often as you breathe 
A world of continuos shooting stars
A place, that no matter the season, always manifests its brightest colors; bright enough to rival with that of autumn
And as I dream these dreams, 
Above me the lights hung in the sky lull my wandering soul to sleep... And I can't help but smile, for all of these fantasies are only as far away as I'm willing to let myself drift. 

It has been made impossibly evident, I'm sure, that I rather fancy the magic of midnight.

x Madeleine 

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