
f e b .

It was one of those days that you can't really explain. My little world was hushed; In a single moment, learned to love the silence.

Places I would usually fail to recognize, stood out against the stark atmosphere... And I realized that this, open fields and never ending sunsets, is all I need. 
I never want to stop noticing every little detail. 
And that tree, I believe, was put there just for me.

d r e a m s
a r e
m a d e
i n
f e b u a r y .

x Madeleine


i m a g i n a t i o n

We let our imaginations change; to become new.
But why must we forget how 
to play,
to explore
to create.
We become refined and adapt to growing old...
but in doing so, we lose the wisdom
that comes with the familiarity of the cold earth 
on our feet, and how it feels when our cheeks sting in the crisp air of an autumn, 
orange evening. 
Living becomes merely surviving the second you forget how to explore. 
Letting myself become dull
and blaming it on the years of my existence
 is to say I was never given the opportunity to live;
Rather, I've neglected the occasion.

I miss knowing that sundown meant running home for dinner, 
but staying out anyway because going in meant letting the day come to a close.

I never want to forget how sweet the wild air smells surrounded by the open.

 "Actually, the best gift you could have given her was a lifetime of adventures..." 
Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland.