

Isn't that what everybody wants? 
To find their somebody.
Somebody who will love you so much, that it stings from time to time. 
Because no matter how much they try, the right words never spill from their lips. 
 There are feelings, sixty second euphorias, and glances stolen. 
& words...words begin to seem like limits. 
But this love is free of restrictions. 
This is the one that will knock down all of your walls & crash through your gates without any warning at all. 
Suddenly, their life feels as if it just might depend on keeping you around. 
Because to lose you would be letting the best thing they've ever held, walk away.
The words you speak linger in their mind like lines of poetry. 
And all of your little oddities, these are the beautiful things. 
How your eyes look when the setting sun pours through them,
& the way your chest rises & falls when you're dreaming. 
The way your hair falls when you've just woken up, and the softness of your voice when it is just you & him. 
That person, they'll fall for your passions & the way your nose crinkles when you laugh...
He'll make you smile.  
& for the first time, you won't be fighting to keep them... trying to convince him to see your light.
To stay.
I like to believe that love, real, honest, golden love, is an effortless affair
You'll fall in the same time,  
& he'll hold on tight. 
With a burning surety, he'll know, that nothing in this life could ever compare to this. To you. 
And I often look at him, and realize for the hundredth time, that he may be mine. 
...And that I love him. So much, that from time to time, it stings.


me + you

he grew up here & there.
near the mountains & then by the sea.
 I'm convinced he's 70% heart, 30% saltwater.

I was born here & raised here, within a 15 mile radius of this old house, running barefoot through the fields of wild flowers.

He can be found chasing the sun, and I will always be in love with the moon.

He wants to know the when + how & I'm still here waiting for serendipity to kick in

He is calm & I am a collected hurricane

He is mine + I am his

From the outside looking in, they might think we go together like thunderstorms & sunny July.
I think they're right...
but baby, I always liked dancing in the summer rain.
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