
Promise Me

The Angels in the stars
Are undoubtedly exhilarated
When you come to the realization that 
you are enough

Promise me
That in a world of sporadic dismay & feats
You will never forget
To look up

x Madeleine



I've never seen a wedding before. Sure, I've been planning mine since I came out of the womb, but I have never been to a wedding. When I was ten I had a composition notebook titled "Wedding Journal" I was obviously creative with my words. I printed out & taped grainy black and white photos of wedding dresses and bouquets; fit for Cinderella herself. Years later, and I'm still caught in that same trance. 
With that in mind, I can't fully express to you in any words the way my heart fluttered the day I walked into the temple, and saw a girl holding a purple bouquet. This was a momentous occasion for me. Go ahead, laugh, I am so serious. You'd think I was the one getting married; I was completely enraptured.
Everything exceeded my expectations. 
The groom looked at her like nothing else I have ever seen in my life. 
& She was glowing. You know in movies, when people say "It's like they were the only two people in the world"? That's real! I saw it with my own eyes, and I will never forget it.  In my whole life, I have never seen two happier people.
They were the only two people in the whole wide world.
♡                           ♡                             ♡
When someone asked him a question I couldn't quite make out, he replied "I don't know, I just want to be with her."
Everyone deserves that. Everyone deserves pure, true, head over heels, hand-holding, "I just want to be with them" love.

So I stood there, stealing glances of them & the way he looked at her, when I realized that time had stopped. Under a shimmering chandelier, surrounded by white, time had stopped.

I've been wrong this whole time. Flowing veils and lace dresses are beautiful, and flowers are exciting, but I will never truly understand that feeling until the day when it is my turn. One thousand and one grainy pictures and glue sticks later, I cannot begin to comprehend that feeling.

Someday, I will know what that love feels like. He won't be able to keep his eyes off me, and I won't care about where I'm going, because I'll know that all I need is right in front of me.  
Until then, I'll cherish that day.

 It was a Saturday.
A beautiful, marvelous, lovely Saturday.



"Sometimes it's not about a nine page love letter. Sometimes it's just about how she wrote the whole thing in your favorite color."

If you have any questions about what the temple is, or anything else about my religion, feel free to visit mormon.org <<OR>> lds.org