

I heard someone talking once, about smiling pretty and staying in picture perfect shape, so that one day a man will want you for his wife. Not very many things have the power to make me angry; but this, this makes my stomach tight and my heart beat as if I've been running for hours. There are so many guidelines to follow in this life already, falling in love should be the one thing we let be. Wild & free, protected from outside forces. Fill your mouth with sugar so your kiss tastes sweet and skip meals so your waistline stays thin. & don't you think about exploring out there in this world, we wouldn't want for your story to exceed his. And darling, watch how you play, your hair must stay neat. Please, promise me you'll break every rule there is when it comes to what the people have to say of love. Refuse to sit still. Refuse to let life slip through your fingers, sitting in the window waiting for a man who sees only the shell that encases the world that spins and the flowers that bloom inside of you. Live to tell tales and laugh loud when you can't contain your excitement. Jump up and down on the first day of fall when the air feels crisp and for every 60 seconds you're granted, shine as bright as your divine heart allows. So when you do fall, it won't be because you've been searching everywhere you turn. I think it will be because you both happened to be living life so fully, your paths couldn't help but meet at the same fork in the road. Love isn't for finding. It's what happens when two people who are experiencing happiness so true collide with a glance. And because they began their journeys so full, they'll know that their love must be true, because they've already tasted every flavor joy. Every flavor but this one.
You are so exquisite, men cannot help but notice the trail of luminescence you leave in your wake. But darling, just because they take notice, does not mean they are your one & only. Many will see you, many will fall for you. Many will tell you they love you, but many will not know how. 
Live your life. Write a story as beautiful and as awe-inspiring as you are, and you'll see. One day it will begin. He'll notice you in crystal clarity on a journey unlike one he's ever seen before. & for the first time, there will be a soul who loves you enough to keep up. Trust me, he'll see you like you're the one who threw the sun into the sky. 
Just give him time to get back on his feet.  
Earthquakes like you and I tend to knock things out of their place